How to get staff onboard with Multi-Factor Authentication

Many cyber attacks leverage stolen or weak passwords. People often use the same passwords across multiple accounts (including personal and work), making…

staff onboard MFA
Posted on: May 13th, 2020 onPlatinum

Many cyber attacks leverage stolen or weak passwords. People often use the same passwords across multiple accounts (including personal and work), making it incredibly easy for cyber criminals to gain access to all your information and data at once. Employees are often also frustrated by the constant need to change their work passwords, and likely only change one number, letter or character each time. People perceive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as another hassle when logging in. Keep reading for a few ways to get staff onboard with MFA.

Communicate clearly

You must clearly communicate with your staff throughout the entire process. Let me know that in the long run, MFA will make their lives easier and provide greater security for the whole team. For example, MFA enables single sign-on capabilities, meaning users can sign in once and have access to all applications they require. It is important to communicate beforehand that you plan on implementing MFA in the workplace, allowing staff to share any concerns.

Provide training

People don’t like change, often because they fear uncertainty or making mistakes. The key to successfully implementing MFA and keeping your staff content is providing training to those that need it. Make sure you go through what MFA is, and what the new login process will involve.

Invite feedback

It is essential to consider the experience your staff have. Once MFA is deployed within your organisation, you should invite staff to provide feedback and any potential improvements that could be implemented to improve their experience. Feedback will allow you to offer more value for your team, allowing you to adjust the infrastructure and identify further applications that can utilise MFA.

MFA has great potential to both drastically improve cyber security within an organisation, while also making daily life easier for staff. It is important to communicate your plans with the team, as well as providing training and feedback opportunities to help staff settle in with the new process.

At onPlatinum, we’re passionate about protecting your business. For more information on Multi-Factor Authentication, click here.

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