How to create a cyber aware culture in your business

In a world full of technology, it is becoming evident that businesses need to create cyber aware cultures to keep their information…

onPlatinum create cyber aware culture
Posted on: March 3rd, 2020 onPlatinum

In a world full of technology, it is becoming evident that businesses need to create cyber aware cultures to keep their information safe. Hackers know that people are the weakest security link, so you need to establish an educated, cyber aware culture. While this doesn’t have to happen overnight, you can start taking small steps to adapt your culture.

Set the tone that security is everyone’s job

To create a cyber aware culture in your business, you need to set the tone that security is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone in a business uses technology, meaning they all have the potential to harm or help the security of the business. Employees need to be aware of the risks that face them every day to make informed decisions and keep the company secure.

Train and test staff

The key to creating cyber aware culture is through education. Regular training sessions and posters around the office will communicate ways that employees can be more cyber aware. It is also a good idea to test knowledge retention and make sure your employees are paying attention. For example, you could send a fake phishing email to staff and see how they react. You can use the results to focus further training sessions.

Expect them to make mistakes, but don’t punish them for doing so. They are not going to report that they clicked on a malicious link if they feel they could be fired for it. You need to build morale and create a collaborative environment for employees to help each other avoid security breaches.

Establish a response plan for if a breach does occur

Your internal teams and IT departments need to establish a response plan that can be enacted if a security breach does occur. By working with all departments, everyone will feel that they are responsible and will have a clear understanding of what to do in the situation.

An IT department alone cannot fight security breaches. You need to create a cyber aware culture within your business, getting everyone involved to keep your company safe.

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