Five quick checks for your Facebook page to improve your Facebook marketing

Facebook. Always changing and updating. As a busy business owner, you might have missed some of the recent changes to Facebook marketing….

facebook marketing
Posted on: November 20th, 2016 onPlatinum

Facebook. Always changing and updating. As a busy business owner, you might have missed some of the recent changes to Facebook marketing. Luckily most of them will take you less than five minutes to fix. Why not take a 15 minute break now and see how many you can tick off?

Blue Call to Action Button

Located under your Cover Image is a big blue call to action button. This allows your users to either click through to a website, or if they are using a mobile device, they can click the button to call your office.

Our recommendation is to send people to a specific page on your website (not the home page) or use the click to call button for your Facebook marketing.

Pro Tip: change up your call to action button to match your current promotion.

Cover Image

Facebook recently updated the design of your cover image area removing your profile image and buttons from the cover image. They are now neatly located underneath your cover image. This provides you with a greater area to let your creatively flow.

Our recommendation is to update your cover image regularly (at least quarterly) and make it relevant to what is happening with your business.

Launched a new service? Won an award? Running a promo? Use this valuable free advertising space to let everyone know.

Pro Tip: remember to update your call to action button at the same time you update your cover image.


As part of the layout changes, Facebook has again given your tabs prime position in the left column of your Page. As they are more visible now, it’s worth considering doing something with them.

Our first recommendation would be to reorder and remove. Reorder so that the most relevant ones are closer to the top and remove the excess ones you don’t need.

Keep this area clear and clean, allowing people to find exactly what they want when they need it.

Pro Tip: these aren’t visible on mobile devices so make them relevant to desktop users only.

Suggested Pages

Suggested Pages isn’t visible from the front of your Page, but will help you gain more fans for free.

Located within your Page Setting is a tick box that will allow Facebook to show your Page to people when they like another Page similar to your Page.

You have probably seen these when interacting with a Page via your Facebook Newsfeed.

Turn on this Facebook marketing feature by clicking on Settings – General – Similar Page Suggestions.

Pro Tip: check your Page Settings regularly as Facebook is always updating things.

Preferred Page Audience

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could ask Facebook to “Please show my page to these specific people?”

Well… now you can. Within your Page Settings you can select your ideal audience based on their location, age, gender and interests.

You can add these options under Settings – Preferred Page Audience and Facebook will show your Page and content to these people.

Pro Tip: think about other Facebook Pages that your audience would be connected to and add them into the interest section.

Grab your timer and get started on updating your Facebook marketing.

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