Benefits of NBN to your business

There are many benefits of NBN to your business. The National Broadband Network (NBN) is set to transform the Australian economy by…

NBN benefits
Posted on: February 21st, 2017 onPlatinum

There are many benefits of NBN to your business.

The National Broadband Network (NBN) is set to transform the Australian economy by providing faster internet speeds and access to better quality communication channels.

An Australian Government initiative, NBN will deliver high speed internet and telecommunications to over 93% of the population. The project has been running for several years and 46,000 premises are added to the new NBN network every week.

nbnTMis a wholly-owned Commonwealth company with the responsibility to design, build and operate the network.  nbnTM will provide the wholesale infrastructure for retail providers such as onPlatinum ICT to on-sell to Australian businesses.

The NBN promises faster internet access however that is only just the beginning of what is possible for business owners.

Wherever you look, the media is covering the NBN. But many Australians are confused as to the benefits they will receive when transferring to the NBN so we’ve outlined 7 for you below.

Fast internet access

The NBN will be available in four speed tiers – nbn 12, nbn 25, nbn 50 and super fast nbn 100. To put the speeds into prospective for you, an nbn 12 plan would provide similar speeds to ADSL2

Flexible Work

The NBN will connect the country allowing a more flexible working environment. Teams will benefit from working from home, their main office, regional offices and have access to the same high speed internet connection.

Better Productivity

Lagging internet and frequent drop outs will become almost non-existent with the new NBN. Your team will be more productive without technology letting them down.

Cloud Services

The benefits of cloud technology will be available to more business owners as increased internet speeds make it more accessible. Your team will have the freedom to work smarter, achieving more.

Strong Relationships

Regardless of location, regular, uninterrupted, face to face contact can be your new reality. The NBN will bring video conferencing to life. Meeting online with customers, suppliers and colleagues will be as easy as making a local phone call.

New opportunities

With more of Australia connected, it opens the doors for more business opportunities domestically and internationally. Another technology barrier is removed and improvements within communication can be achieved.


Fast internet access will allow businesses to adopt an integrated approach to their technology and communications. A complete, scalable and flexible solution can be provided instead of dealing with multiple suppliers and vendors.

The NBN will offer many benefits for Australian businesses and onPlatinum ICT can make the transition easy.

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