Are you cyber resilient?

With rapid digitisation comes a significant increase in cyber-attacks. We all know about cyber security – the process of protecting your computers…

Are you Cyber resilient
Posted on: July 23rd, 2019 onPlatinum

With rapid digitisation comes a significant increase in cyber-attacks. We all know about cyber security – the process of protecting your computers from cyber-attacks. Something is either secure or not. But is your business cyber resilient?

What is cyber resilience?

Cyber resilience is the ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from a cyber-attack. Cyber resilience is about far more than just responding to a cyber-attack or recovering from one. It also takes into account a business’s ability to operate while an attack is occurring, and how they can adapt and grow from the attack for the future. So not only is cyber resilience about defending against cyber-attacks, it is about preparing for them to reduce the impact and ensuring continued operation throughout an attack.

What are the benefits of being cyber resilient?

There are many benefits to a resilient cyber approach, with one of the most important being a reduction in financial losses. Additionally, when an organisation gets attacked, it can severely impact their brand reputation as people lose trust in the organisation. Arguably the most important benefit is that it will protect your brand and reputation, resulting in even further reduction to financial losses.

By implementing resilience into one aspect of the organisation, your technology, you are encouraging it to grow further throughout the organisation, creating a culture of resilience. This will create a culture of resilience, encouraging resilient behaviours of collaboration, vigilance and proactivity.

How can your organisation be cyber resilient?

There are many ways that your organisation can be cyber resilient, including:

  • Implementation of incident response plans, and ICT continuity management
  • Employee education on cyber risks and best practices
  • Alignment of cyber governance with your organisation’s overall governance
  • Information sharing and collaboration
  • Regular reviews of cyber resilience strategy

Get in touch with the team at onPlatinum today to get your organisation on track towards cyber resilience.

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