Looking back at a year of growth

2015 panned out to be a stellar year for the onPlatinum ICT team with a consistent theme of growth and results –…

Posted on: February 24th, 2016 onPlatinum

2015 panned out to be a stellar year for the onPlatinum ICT team with a consistent theme of growth and results – for us and our clients alike. With no signs of slowing down, the sky’s the limit.

We were ready for an exceptional year and 2015 sure did deliver. From new team members, new clients and new opportunities, we certainly hit the ground running in 2015.

The year started off with a bang as we held our first ever onPlatinum ICT Conference. The conference was a fantastic opportunity for our clients and business associates to learn about our innovative technologies, hear about the latest happenings in the IT industry and it was a fantastic opportunity to network and have a little fun.

Spot the CIO…

Our CIO, Shannon, went to various conferences throughout the year around Australia and in various countries (leaving the rest of us slightly jealous). The relationships gained, information shared and innovative ideas shared will play an integral part of 2016 for us, so watch this space!

New department, new opportunities…

Our digital and creative department joined us last year completing our end-to-end service offerings. Having an in house digital design and marketing department has not only benefited the business but also our clients. We have had an influx of interest in website design, corporate branding and the many more services we can now offer. It has been fantastic seeing the growth one department can bring.

Something a little techy…

In November we started moving to NEXT DC (and keeping AWS as our redundancy). NEXT DC are an ASX listed 300 company and Top Data Centre provider in Australia, and AWS are the global leaders for cloud platform (base in Sydney). This brings us the best of both worlds and a guarantee of data sovereignty as it’s in Australia.

Moving forward…

Well we are looking forward to another exceptional year with our 2016 calendar brimming with new opportunities, conferences and fantastic new opportunities.

Here’s to a year of new possibilities, prosperity and fantastic opportunities!

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